Local Whois Server
Yucel Guven yucel at knidos.cc.metu.edu.tr
Tue Feb 18 16:58:44 CET 1997
Hi, Here, in Middle East Tech. University (METU), we setup a whois server. Together with updating RIPE sources, we also want RIPE NCC directly to communicate with our whois-server and got the all neccessary info's (such as inetnum:'s domain:'s person:'s etc..) Is this possible? If possible, could you inform me about the steps we must follow? TIA. Yucel Guven METU Computer Center, Network Group e-mail: yucel at metu.edu.tr tel : +90 (312) 2102091 fax : +90 (312) 2101120 metu-nic: YG1-METU ripe-nic: YG251-RIPE
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