pro/cons of virtual hosting services
Oliver Smith oliver at
Tue Nov 14 23:31:28 CET 1995
/> > Because the customer wants something else (and they pay your wage too /> > in the end). /> /> I contest that the majority wants something different from my /> second soloution. Please re-read it. Technically, you may be right; however, as we in the UK have experienced with Domain Registrations, a lot of miseducation is floating around so that many companies are now selling URLs - that's the bit that most of us call a host name. The UK domain-registration rules have been relaxed, and fierce debate continues about this, so that these people can turn the DNS into DURLS. And the world becomes full of one-page web """sites""" (pet hate, can you tell? :-) Oliver -- Duty Hostmaster, Corporate Division, Demon Internet. 322 Regents Park Road, Finchley, London N3 3RD, England (0181-371-1000) Singel 540, 1017 AZ, Amsterdam, Netherlands (020-4222-000)
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