local hostcounts
Mirjam Kuehne Mirjam.Kuehne at ripe.net
Wed Feb 15 11:06:04 CET 1995
Dear Local IR's, As suggested during the last RIPE Meeting in Amsterdam I want to encourage you to do your hostcount locally. The advantage is that the data is more up to date. It lowers the traffic and transmission errors. Till now the following countries count their hosts locally: ie, uk, de, gr, cy, at, pt Next month fr will join. The only things you need to do are: 1. to run host (available as ftp://ftp.ripe.net/tools/dns/host.tar.Z) 2. to run a shell script like: #!/bin/sh host -lav -s 10 -L 999 pt. > pt.output 2> pt.error 3. to make these two files gzipped available somewhere for me to pick it up. I hope this will encourage you to count your hosts locally. If you have any further questions don't hesitate to contact me. Best regards, Mirjam RIPE NCC
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