Simon Poole poole at
Wed Aug 16 19:49:31 CEST 1995
Yakov writes: > The most serious problem we're facing is NOT how to route to the existing > allocations, but how we're going to route to all the new allocations that are > due to the exponential growth of the Internet. >From this and an earlier mail (somewhere you said we should "deploy CIDR") I sense some kind of fundamental problem in this discussion. >From -my- point of view CIDR -is- deployed: - we've been allocating from provider blocks for probably two years now, and the number of prefixes announced has been growing -very- slowly (with respect to -new- allocation of addresses), even with customers not returning their addresses when they leave us. Do you have -any- hard data that anything else is happening at a global scale? - there is naturally a tendency for the provider address space to fragment over time, however do we have -any- data that this is causing any of the problems we are seeing (it surely isn't creating a large increase in prefixes -now-)? - nearly -all- of the prefixes we announce are pre-CIDR allocations (B and quite a large number of C's (that we are trying to clean up)), I don't believe this to be different with any other ISP. Yakov, if you have data that CIDR is -not- working for new allocations please present it here. Simon
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