map of assigned networks
Willi Huber huber at
Tue May 24 13:35:32 CEST 1994
Hallo, prior to the past RIPE meeting I sent a (rather long) message onto this list about a 'graphical' representation of the assigned networks from the blocks 193/8 - 194/8. Nandor Horvath has asked me to make available the script that generated this output. Here it is. Make with it whatever you like. Willi Huber -------------- An example: netmap 193.5/16 <ripe.db netmap: looking for networks 193.5.0 <= network < 193.6.0 193.005.000 .*#*#...**##****#*#*#*#*#*##*#*#****#*#*#*#*##**#*#*#*##**#.*#*# 193.005.064 ....**##****####*#*#*#*#********#*#*#*#*#*#*####****####*#*#*#** 193.005.128 ################******..####****#####...****##**##*#************ 193.005.192 ########################********################**********#.*#* -------------- #!/bin/perl $c = "*"; $counter = 65; $arg = shift(@ARGV); if ($arg =~ /^\d+.*\/\d+$/) { ($firstnet,$bits) = split(/\//,$arg); } else { $bits = 32; } &binnet($firstnet); $bits = 24-$bits; if ($bits < 0) { print <<"end_of_text"; exit; } Usage: netmap net/bits file net/bits: the range of network addresses to be analysed file: the input file in the format of the ripe.db. If file is omitted, STDIN is read example: netmap 193/8 ripe.db NOTE: this script does not run propperly for class B addresses, use it only with calss C's. end_of_text $mask = 1; while ($bits-- > 0) { $mask *= 2; } $firstnet = int($firstnet / $mask) * $mask; $lastnet = $firstnet+$mask; print "\nnetmap: looking for networks "; &printnet($firstnet); print " <= network < "; &printnet($lastnet); print "\n\n"; open(INET,">/tmp/netmap.$$") || die "netmap: Couldn't open >/tmp/netmap.$$\n"; while (<>) { if (/\*in/) { chop; ($key,$value) = split(/\s+/,$_,2); if ($value =~ /-/) { ($value,$value2) = $value =~ /(\S+) - (\S+)/; &binnet($value); &binnet($value2); } else { &binnet($value); $value2 = $value; } if (($value >= $firstnet) && ($value < $lastnet)) { printf INET "%09d %09d\n",$value,$value2; } } } close INET; $lastplotted = $firstnet-1; open(SORTED,"sort /tmp/netmap.$$ |") || die "netmap: Couldn't open sort /tmp/netmap.$$ |\n"; while (<SORTED>) { ($value,$value2) = split; &plot($value,$value2); } print "\n"; close SORTED; unlink("/tmp/netmap.$$"); exit; sub binnet { undef(@bytes); (@bytes) = split(/\./,$_[0]); $_[0] = ($bytes[0]*256+$bytes[1])*256+$bytes[2]; } sub printnet { local($i) = $_[0]; printf "%d.%d.%d", int($i / 0x10000), int($i / 0x100 % 0x100), $i % 0x100; } sub plot { local($v,$v2) = @_; if ($lastplotted >= $v) { return; } $lastplotted++; while ($lastplotted != $v) { &plotnet(".",$lastplotted); $lastplotted++; } &plotnet($c,$v); while ($v != $v2) { $v++; &plotnet($c,$v); } $lastplotted = $v2; if ($c eq "*") { $c = "#"; } else { $c = "*" } } sub plotnet { local($c,$i) = @_; if ($counter >= 64) { printf "\n%03d.%03d.%03d ", int($i / 0x10000), int($i / 0x100 % 0x100), $i % 0x100; $counter = 0; } $counter++; print $c; }
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