Address space for individuals
poole at poole at
Mon May 23 22:16:47 CEST 1994
Hank writes: > In my case it is the opposite. The large personnel costs are for DNS rather > than for IP. Those that connect have no idea what DNS is, none whatsoever > about bind, nameservice, primary and secondary nameservers, how to structure > their own internal domain space, etc. I have had lots of Novell networks > wanting connectivity and then you need to explain to them about LAN > Workplace for DOS, LAN Workgroup or Netwire IP and how each fits into the > DNS way of things. The personnel time is roughly 5:1 for DNS vs IP > allocation in my country. I really don't see the need for the large amount of consulting in the case of DNS, give them a name and if they can't use it properly that is -really- their problem (this doesn't work in the case of IP addresses, since the size of the allocation has to be determined based on ther technical plans of the applicant). Simon
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