Address space for individuals
poole at poole at
Mon May 23 22:13:04 CEST 1994
> > Here are some techniques we are using. You might find them useful > to lower the workload of the last-resort IR's: As I've pointed out before, the real problem lies in expectations the people have with respect to address allocation. These expectations are formed -long- before they actually contact a local-IR. What we need are rules that are: - stable (do not change every 6 months). - are published (that does -not- mean an announcement of yet another Ripe document on a Ripe mailing list) and announced to a large audience. - have support in the whole Internet community (with other words: are the same in the US). I would not blame people that have applied for address space over the last three years for coming to the conclusion that the policy is essentially random. Simon
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