Draft Minutes of the meeting at RIPE 17
Daniel Karrenberg Daniel.Karrenberg at ripe.net
Wed Feb 9 16:28:09 CET 1994
Folks, this will be part of the RIPE 17 minutes. Comments to me please. Daniel ---------------------- Local-ir Working Group Minutes from RIPE 17 Chair: Daniel Karrenberg Scribes: Geert Jan de Groot, Daniel Karrenberg 12.1.1. Reports for Information DE-NIC in Dortmund shut down, the DE-NIC is now in University of Karlsruhe. The registries in Europe totally assign 100 C's per day on the average. With 80 IR's, this comes close to 1 C/IR/day. A list of local-IR's has been published [RIPE-101]. It was agreed that this information should be made available via the RIPE database Daniel Karrenberg agreed to write a proposal and submit it to the local-ir and database working groups. Action: xx.1 Daniel Karrenberg Propose (guarded) RIPE database object representing a local registry, mail to local-ir and db wg. 12.1.2. Local Registry Procedures The address space assignment procedures have been revised as agreed at the last meeting and during subsequent e-mail exchanges. The new document is ripe-104. Most important changes: in case of a request for a block >= 32C's, 2nd opinion of the RIPE NCC is recommended, less reser- vation of address space recommended. Question: How about requests having 16C and ask for 16 more? Answer: Use your judgement (as always). It was observed that frequently organisations asking for space already have some without knowing it. All registries are reminded to cross-check this for all requests from large organisations. If there is ay doubt, the WAIS server of the database is a good source of information. The NCC observed that more and more individual assignments are not reported back via the data- base in a timely fashion. The group confirmed the wording of "immediately but certainly not later than one working day after assignment". Local registries are reminded to adhere to this. The NCC will perform more stringent checks whenever the delegation of additional address space is requested by a local registry. Address space reservation strategies were briefly discussed. It was agreed not to reserve big blocks of address space (>8 Cs) as a matter of general policy. It was felt that the real CIDR gains from such a reservation policy are minimal. After some reservations about this expressed by Yves Devillers it was decided to discuss this further and to gather some data about assignments and res- ervations from blocks delegated by the NCC. It was agreed that reservations should not be stored in the database but reported separately to the NCC. Willi Huber volunteered to produce a format for representing assignment/reservation status of address space from delegated blocks. The NCC will collect this data and make it available to all European Internet Registries. The data will be restricted to the European Internet Registries for the time being. Generally customers should not get this information because they easily get the impression that reserved blocks have been allocated to them. Action: xx.2 Willi Huber Propose a representation address space assignment/reservation status. It was suggested to produce a tool showing assignment/reservation status graphically. Willi Huber volunteered to propose a representation with help from Wilfried Woeber. Action: xx.3 Willi Huber Propose a graphical representation address space assignment/reservation status. Q: Are IR's required to use 193-reserved space before asking for new 194-block? A:NO, but review the reservation after 24months. It is up to the local IR to contact the customer on this. Autonomous System number assignment procedures are explained in the application form (Docu- ment ripe-097). the most important criterion for an AS-number assignment is that the AS number is actually used in external routing on the Internet. A secondary criterion is that the organisation should be multi-homed. AS-numbers do not need to be assigned because router configurations seem to require globally unique numbers. A need is felt to set aside some AS numbers for use in local internets not connected to the Internet. Action: xx.4 Daniel Karrenberg Ask IANA for a default range (65530-65535 or so) in the line of the network-10 pro- posal Reverse Name Service The "Procedures for DNS Delegation in the in-addr.arpa Domain" (ripe-105) was briefly reviewed. i 12.1.3. Proxy Network Entries in RIPE Database After two reminders on the list no input was received from the proponents of proxy registration. It was the general feeling of the meeting that proxy entries should not allowed mainly for operational reasons but also to make the address space delegation process transparent. The action item to produce a recommendation was dropped. The current recommendation that the organisation address space has been assigned to has to be registered in the database. 12.1.4. Any other business A large amount of address space currently applied for will never be connected to the Internet (inter- nal networks). A proposal is being made to have these cases use network10.0.0.0, which cannot be connected to the Internet (this will be an RFC soon). There were some drawings on this proposal which are difficult to reflect in ASCII. Q: Is there a procedure to stop a local-IR if found necessary? A: There is a hook to have it return the non-allocated address space per RIPE-104. Communication between local IR's and last resort IR is sometimes poor. This needs to be sorted out locally (mailinglist).If need be, a mailing list ir-<country>@ripe.net can be set up. A local-ir workshop will be held at next meeting: half day, May 16th, 10.00 am. Action: xx.5 NCC To organise local-ir workshop for the 18th RIPE meeting
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