[irrtoolset]problem with RtConfig generating remote-as
Pavel Halfar pavel.halfar at ha-vel.cz
Thu May 20 14:46:25 CEST 2004
Hello, I am quite new to IRRTOOLS set, so my question might be covered somewhere else (but I haven't found answer anywhere) I have problem with RtConfig, which generates wrong line, here is setup : Local AS is AS15935 configured on router I want to get import lines for neighbour which is in AS25192 template file : @RtConfig set cisco_max_preference = 1000 @RtConfig set cisco_map_name = "AS%d-IMPORT-%d" @RtConfig import AS15935 AS25192 command line : RtConfig -h whois.ripe.net -p 43 -s RIPE -protocol ripe -cisco_use_prefix_lists < template_file what I get as result is : ! no ip prefix-list pl100 ip prefix-list pl100 permit ip prefix-list pl100 deny le 32 ! no route-map AS25192-IMPORT-1 ! route-map AS25192-IMPORT-1 permit 1 match ip address prefix-list pl100 set local-preference 500 exit ! router bgp 15935 ! neighbor remote-as 15935 neighbor route-map AS25192-IMPORT-1 in ! exit The problem is with line : neighbor remote-as 15935 which I don't mind to be there, but it is wrong, because the remote AS is 25192, not 15935 (which is my local AS) The version of RtConfig I am using is (downloaded binaries from www.ripe.net) : elite at albert:~/ripe/Examples$ RtConfig -v RtConfig (IRRToolSet v4.8.1) katie at x9 Thank you very much for answer best regards, Pavel -- Ing. Pavel Halfar Reditel spravy site a technicke podpory Senior Manager of Net Administration ha-vel internet s.r.o. ha-vel internet, voice, family, cafe...rEVOLUCE e-mail : pavel.halfar at ha-vel.cz Masarykovo namesti c. 2/2 702 00 Ostrava - Moravska Ostrava GSM brana : +420 606 77 88 78 Tel/Fax : +420 59 62 42 526 Dohledove centrum : +420 606 77 88 82