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The ipv6-wg Archives
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Starting: Tue Mar 4 03:16:18 CET 2014
Ending: Tue Mar 25 17:15:53 CET 2014
Messages: 6
- [ipv6-wg] Fwd: [address-policy-wg] IPv6 PA/PI - restarting discussion after failed 2013-06 proposal Elvis Velea
- [ipv6-wg] Draft minutes RIPE 67 Marco Hogewoning
- [ipv6-wg] Call for topics/ideas for RIPE 68 (Warsaw) Marco Hogewoning
- [ipv6-wg] [training] RIPE NCC Webinars - new dates
Training Services
- [ipv6-wg] [training] RIPE NCC Webinars - new dates Training Services
- [ipv6-wg] [training] RIPE NCC Courses in Sofia, Bulgaria 16-17 April 2014 Training Services
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