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[ipv6-wg] IPv6 on P2P links
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Jan Zorz @
jan at
Thu May 26 22:40:45 CEST 2011
On 5/26/11 8:19 PM, Ivan Pepelnjak wrote: > Nice to hear Cisco has no problems with /127 (now I don't have to test it and blog about it ;) > > As for RIPE501bis - I would add RFC 6164 to the list of "optional" RFCs in the "Router requirements" section. Makes sense? > > Ivan > >> RIPE501Bis should imho be focused upon features for 'asking the right >> IPv6 support'... asking >> for /127 is silly I think... (btw Cisco IOS device's have no issue with >> it at all >> btw... so I am speaking here with my technology hat on). >> >> G/ Hehe, I see you two guys will have a lot to talk about at dinner after v6 summit here in Ljubljana on Thursday :) ok, there is that draft document requested in RIPE-501, we need to change it to RFC6164 now, when it's published. Thnx for a note :) /jan
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