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[ipv6-wg] IPv4 reaches a milestone: 365 days left
- Previous message (by thread): [ipv6-wg] IPv4 exhaustian counter indicates today exactly 1 year if ipv4 left
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Ahmed Abu-Abed
ahmed at
Wed Jul 14 09:50:25 CEST 2010
Greetings, Today the IPv4 counters show there is 1 year left for IANA IPv4 depletion date or X-Day, more details on the IPv6 Forum website. Note that this is a conservative estimate as a few months ago the prediction was October 2011. A less conservative estimate taking into consideration exponential growth of IPv4 demand on a regional level shows April 2011 for X-Day, more at Best wishes, -Ahmed P.S. Download the depletion counter gadgets for Win, Mac and iPhone from
- Previous message (by thread): [ipv6-wg] IPv4 exhaustian counter indicates today exactly 1 year if ipv4 left
- Next message (by thread): [ipv6-wg] IPv4 reaches a milestone: 365 days left
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