[ipv6-hackathon] Round of introductions
Moritz Wilhelmy mw-hackathon at barfooze.de
Fri Oct 27 04:05:21 CEST 2017
Hello everybody. I've been interested in IPv6 adaption ever since I got into self-hosting and I've always been trying to have all my services available on a dual-stack setup. I worked as a sysadmin for a university chair and later a web company, but neither of them allowed me to roll out IPv6. As such, it has bothered me that IPv6 adoption rate remains rather low considering how long it has been around for. Over the years, I've contributed to some open source operating systems (various Linux distros, FreeBSD and NetBSD) and a couple of IRC related projects, among other things. I know Python, Perl 5, sed/awk/grep/sh and C and I'm interested in writing system-level code, network services and web-backend code (I can't do frontend, sorry) that interfaces with system level code (I could imagine a web interface for dhcpd6 or something like that, although I'm not quite sure for which use case). I think I'd prefer to stay in userspace for this hackathon, but if someone comes up with an idea for a small kernel module I'm willing to try to help with that too (I have no experience with network drivers on any OS but I'm interested) and I can also help with one of the visualization projects. I think I'm better at helping out than coming up with a good idea by myself so instead I'll look at the projects that people come up with and just try to contribute to one of those. This is my first time attending any RIPE NCC event and hackathon and I'm already looking forward to it. I'm ente on IRC (and other places too). I'm glad I got this over with. See you there! Moritz