[ipv6-hackathon] HOWTO: "How RIPE NCC hackathons work"
Vesna Manojlovic BECHA at ripe.net
Mon Oct 2 11:07:21 CEST 2017
Hi, for some of you this might be the first hackathon in general, or the first RIPE NCC hackathon, so here is a gentle introduction to how we do it. If you want more to read more, and see photos, we publish all the "reviews" at RIPE Labs: http://labs.ripe.net/hackathons If you have any questions, please send them either to me or to the list. Ciao, Vesna * hackathons, in general, are "hacking marathons": a long event where people join to "hack" _together_ -- to create a "quick & dirty" solution to some problem; result is mostly a prototype: code, or sometimes physical objects. Other results are the connections forged between participants, experiences gained from working together, and hands-on knowledge. * the accent is on *team-work* & *cooperation*, rather then on competition! * work is done in "interdisciplinary groups": small teams of 3-5 people, coming from diverse backgrounds, knowledge level, skills -- this diversity leads to unexpected combinations, creative ideas, and genius solutions! Format: - before the start, we communicate on-line: propose projects, introduce ourselves to each other, discuss ideas, brainstorm... We use EtherPad & a mailing list & IRC & even Facebook/Twitter/whatever - in the morning of the first day, we start with personal introductions, where participants say something about themselves: what is their goal for this hackathon, their interests, their skills - several projects get introduced too, mostly by the organiser & possibly sponsors: so-called "challenges" , where the "hacks" are supposed to provide a solution - participants choose which project they want to work on, and form teams - these teams start brainstorming, decide on the direction and amount of work they think they can do in the remaining time (one & a half day!) - the rest of the time is given to _work_ : coding, designing, writing.. - we will also have several short "reviews" (like in Scrum!) to see how are the team progressing, to maybe re-group or merge, or change direction completely - everything is possible - food, refreshments and drinks are provided throughout the event (including lunch & dinner) - at the end of the second day, teams make presentations of their results: very short, 2 minutes talk & 1 minutes for questions - slides & code & photos & videos are shared (uploaded to GitHub; given to RIPE NCC to publish) - the jury selects several "winners", for the prizes that are mostly symbolic, based on the criteria set up in the "challenges". And then there's a party! :) We celebrate a successful cooperation, relax after two hectic & long days & have fun together! Link to all previous events: http://labs.ripe.net/hackathons + Link to code: https://github.com/RIPE-Atlas-Community/ripe-atlas-community-contrib/blob/master/README.md