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[Hackathon-list] Results of the First Virtual RIPE NCC Hackathon
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Vesna Manojlovic
Fri Jun 12 11:46:54 CEST 2020
Dear Michael, all, On 05/06/2020 03:02, Michael Richardson wrote: > > Vesna, that's a great report, thank you. I'm glad you find it useful. > It's difficult for a great number of reasons, but I would never call them > Hackathon events, because there is such a different vibe. coming up with a new name is always a challenge :) and re-appropriating the name is hard too -- while making a distinction as in "but ours is a non-commercial hackathon"... ... and now, with the element of "virtuality" too :) > But, I really think that a key part of the Hackathon experience is that it > involves a focused effort of a short period of time. As you write, the > whole point is that it involves being exclusive to the activity. Being > physically close adds so many useful interactions. Unfortunately, for the rest of this year at least, physical closeness will be considered more dangerous than it is beneficial.. ... and we will have to find new ways to creatively engage with each other. > So, I encourage RIPE to continue to organize in-person Hackathons when > situation permits again, but also to continue to organize these multi-month > long *collaborations* in the future. We will re-consider the situation after the summer. Speaking of names, we had hosted an internal RIPE NCC "collaborathon" in 2018, where the goal was to involve "non-technical" people (I hate that distinction!), who would be scared away by the idea that "hacking" has to do only with programming... > I did not quite follow all the things that were done in this Hackathon, > and based upon: "You should not try to compensate for lost productivity by > working longer hours", I did not participate at all. Great choice! We all need to re-calibrate our work-life balance in the face of multiple global crisis we are living through right now... Having said that, I do invite all of you to two relevant events: Internet Measurement Village 2020: online event, that aims to share the tools, datasets, and methodologies of projects that measure the Internet. from Wednesday, 10th June 2020 to Friday, 3rd July 2020 IETF 108 Hackathon Online Monday, July 20 through Friday July 24, 2020 Be mindful of your needs and levels of energy, and choose carefully what to focus on & what can you contribute. Kind regards, Vesna
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