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[Hackathon-list] Reminder: 5 days left to apply for CPF / Community Projects Fund by RIPE NCC
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Vesna Manojlovic
Tue Aug 18 14:16:08 CEST 2020
Dear all, We would like to remind you that the call for applications for the RIPE NCC Community Projects Fund will close on 23 August, at 23:59 UTC. The RIPE NCC offers funding of €250,000 in total for projects that work to improve the operation, resilience and sustainability of the Internet, with a focus on tools and services benefiting the technical community in our service region. If your project works for the ‘good of the Internet’, and you would like to apply for funding, please make sure to submit your application before the deadline. You can find detailed information here: Kind regards, Vesna
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