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[Hackathon-list] Join the Quantum Internet Hackathon, 13-14 October 2018, Amsterdam
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Vesna Manojlovic BECHA at
Thu Aug 23 15:42:00 CEST 2018
Hi, The RIPE NCC has partnered with Quantum Internet Alliance and TU Delft to bring you the Quantum Internet Hackathon, taking place the weekend before RIPE 77 in Amsterdam. This is the 8th hackathon we've organised and this one promises to be the best yet! Interested? Apply online today: *The application deadline is 11 September* Find out more on RIPE Labs: We look forward to seeing you there! Warm regards, Vesna Manojlovic Community Builder RIPE NCC Summary: Date: Saturday, 13 October - Sunday, 14 October 2018 (weekend before RIPE 77) Location: Volkshotel, Amsterdam Topic: Quantum Internet Link:
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