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[Hackathon-list] Announcing yet another RIPE NCC hackathon: DNS Measurements, 20-21. April 2017, Amsterdam
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Vesna Manojlovic BECHA at
Tue Jan 24 12:20:38 CET 2017
Dear previous participants of our hackathon, we are having the fifth one! topic: DNS Measurements dates: Thursday and Friday, 20-21 April 2017 place: Amsterdam *The application deadline is 26 February 2017*!application-form You already know the procedure & the fun; here are the differences: * this time we still don't have any sponsors confirmed, so there is very little budget for covering travel expenses * it's not in the weekend - it's during working days! * it's not attached to the RIPE meeting * it _might_ be in the _new_ RIPE NCC offices, unless we accept so many people (and get a few sponsors), in which case we will rent a room somewhere close by, still in Amsterdam. * I would like to give preference to those who have not already been to one of our events -- but, OTOH, I'd be happy to see you again... And please spread the word -- I'm still especially looking for more women to join one of our events, to increase the diversity. Regards, Vesna Manojlovic RIPE NCC Community Builder ps Find out more in this RIPE Labs article:
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