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[Hackathon-list] Fwd: Short and immediate report from the RIPE Atlas hackathon

Vesna Manojlovic BECHA at
Sun Mar 29 23:51:40 CEST 2015

Dear all,

See the email I just sent  to the "main" ripe-atlas list... and 
subscribe ;-)

thank you all one more time!!

(too excited to go to sleep ;-)

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [atlas] Short and immediate report from the RIPE Atlas hackathon
Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2015 23:49:12 +0200
From: Vesna Manojlovic <BECHA at>
To: RIPE Atlas People <ripe-atlas at>

We had the first RIPE Atlas hackathon!

Three days of intensive coding, cooperating, learning, connecting and
having fun (& surviving  massive power outage on Friday in Amsterdam) -
-  and the results have bee impressive!

Ten final projects have been presented, and four have been chosen as
worthy of the awards:

1. Disco: Combining the visalization of disconnection-events with
localized Twitter feed & live weather data

2. Spatial Bucketing of RIPE Atlas Probes on Map Projections (aka
Picketty — making the global probe selection more equal)

3. Traceroute stability check & BGP+traceroute (two projects sharing the
3rd place)

We had 24 participants & 1 no-show, 6 jury members and 11 support staff
(coincidentally: 42!)

On behalf of the community, we are grateful to Comcast for sponsoring
prizes and travel expenses, hackerspace Technologia Incognita for the
inspiring location on Friday, and to RIPE NCC for the office facilities
during the weekend, staff support, food & drinks & amazing data & tools
& platform of RIPE Atlas.

On behalf of the organizers (RIPE NCC & Comcast), we are grateful to
everyone who took part & contributed, as well as to their family &
employers, who let them get away for the weekend of combined work&fun.

Longer and more detailed report will follow, once we all get some sleep
& collect our notes from tweets, IRC, mailing list & pieces of papers.
