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[Hackathon-list] Power?

Robert Kisteleki robert at
Fri Mar 27 11:39:06 CET 2015

Martin, if you can make it here on time, we'll explain why this is possible
and actually easy to do by anyone! :)

On 2015-03-27 11:26, Martin J. Levy wrote:
> Here's my 5cents ...
> *Can you do this annimation as a regular Atlas API user vs. being on the
> inside within RIPE.*
> I ask this because public vs private probes could make a difference to this
> dataset. Plus tests run on a probe (listed somewhere on the probe page)
> means you could also plot the effectiveness of communications from that
> probe vs just prove up'ness. Again public vs. private measurements would
> make a difference.
> Just thinking aloud.
> Martin
> On Mar 27, 2015, at 10:16 AM, Robert Kisteleki <robert at
> <mailto:robert at>> wrote:
>> On 2015-03-27 11:12, Livingood, Jason wrote:
>>> Awesome and timely outage visualization project! Who planned it? ;-)
>>> Regards,
>>> Jason
>> We all deny any involvement :-)
>> However, as we'll soon explain to the people here, we highly likely have the
>> data to demonstrate how it went down... so it's indeed exciting!
>> Robert
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