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[Hackathon-list] Dinner and Beer on Thursday

Julian Hammer julian.hammer at
Thu Mar 26 19:41:51 CET 2015

Well, nobody has showed up so far. 

So I will go to the Burger Bar at Kolksteeg 2 in the next 15 minutes. I have a dark blue hoody and a green jacket with me. After that I’ll have a beer at Bierproeflokaal in de Wildeman.

Give me a call if you want to join, so we can meet up easier.


> Am 26.03.2015 um 18:29 schrieb Julian Hammer <julian.hammer at>:
> Hey Matt,
> we'll send a mail to this list once we have decided.
> Cheers
> Julian
>> Am 26.03.2015 um 18:25 schrieb Matt Calder <calderm at>:
>> I arrived a little while ago and may join as well. Anything decided yet?
>> On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 3:10 PM, Igor Rinkovec <igor.rinkovec at> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I will be free to roam A’dam around 8-9PM so I may join you guys as well. We can talk more tommorow, I will see how long will I need to get to my place. :)
>>> On 25 Mar 2015, at 22:58, Julian Hammer <julian.hammer at> wrote:
>>> Hey,
>>> Thomas and me will be in town starting tomorrow afternoon/evening. We will meet in the Lounge of Bob’s Youth Hostel[1] at 7pm/19:00 for Dinner and Beer. Tell me if you want to join and we should wait for you or show up on time ;)
>>> Can anybody recommend something reasonable in walking distance? Otherwise we’ll decide on the spot.
>>> If you want to join later for beer, give me a call: +49 176 40242386 (what’s app and threema might work if there is wifi around)
>>> Cheers
>>> Julian
>>> [1]
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