Re: ERX TF Charter and Milestones

Gabriella and all,

[ Andrei is on holiday right now, but I'll answer this to the best of
  my ability. ]

On 2002-10-10 16:28:58 +0200, Gabriella Paolini wrote:
> Could we know the results of the ASN ERX?
> Is it definitively settled this phase?

Have you seen the presentation Andrei made at the last RIPE meeting?

Since then, we have done the following:

- Merge and NOT lock the group 3 ASN.
- A batch of changes for group 2 ASN users, all of whom wanted the ASN
  reverted to the RIPE data.
- User-by-user handling of cases.

Today I'm going to be e-mailing all of the remaining group 1

As far as I'm concerned the ASN ERX is complete: all of the AS now
reside in the appropriate RIR.  ARIN is still doing some
double-checking of their AS space, but I don't think that is
necessarily ERX related.  I'm not sure what is being done to
coordinate with IANA, but my understanding is that there has been some
communication of the new status of the as-numbers file:

> Andrei Robachevsky wrote:
> >Dear Colleague,
> >
> >Please find the proposed TF description and the milestones. Your 
> >comments and suggestions are welcome.
> >
> >Charter:
> >
> >1. To analyse the results of the ASN ERX and consider issues relevant to 
> >the second phase of the ERX project - transfer of the v4 address space 
> >registrations.
> >2. To review and refine the proposal of the v4 address space ERX 
> >prepared by the RIPE NCC.
> >3. To review the process after the trial v4 ERX (a few /8's) and provide 
> >feedback.
> >
> >
> >Milestones:
> >
> >7  Oct  2002   Form the TF, propose Charter and Milestones
> >10 Oct  2002   Submit draft proposal for discussion (RIPE NCC)
> >29 Oct 2002   Summary of discussions, revised proposal
> >4  Nov 2002   Release revised proposal to the db-wg, lir-wg
> >TBD           Collect issues after 'trial' /8(s) is(are) processed
> >TBD           Release revised proposal to db-wg, lir-wg
> >
> >
> >References:
> >
> >1. General Information about the ERX.
> >2."Early Registration Transfer (ERX) Project". Presentation at the DB-WG 
> >session, RIPE 43. 
> > 
> >
> >
> >
> >Regards,
> >
> >Andrei Robachevsky
> >
> Gabriella Paolini
> -----------------------------------------------------
> INFN-GARR - The Italian Academic and Research Network
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Shane Kerr