Re: Looking for a contact at a Turkish ISP,

Danny J. Burns said the following on 16/4/07 21:48:
> To be honest I have no clue what this list is for.  Is it like nanog ?

The intention was for it to be like the NANOG mailing list, but it
basically died years ago. I guess people just used the NANOG list, and
that was it. Other regions of the world have similar lists, but none are
as silent as this one.

EOF doesn't really exist as a meeting event any more either. There used
to be a day at the start of the RIPE meeting which was called EOF. These
days there is a general plenary session at the RIPE meetings which some
of us old timers call EOF, but the meeting organisers choose to call it
the RIPE Plenary. Pity really.
