RIPE Policy Development Process

Dear Colleagues

We are pleased to announce that Rob Blokzijl, RIPE Chair, has published a new RIPE Document, "Policy Development Process in RIPE", (ripe-350). This document formally describes the policy development process. The updated process is operational from today, 1 September 2005.

A new RIPE web page describes all the active policy proposals and their status. Each proposal has a page showing its history, status and all supporting documentation. This page can be found at:

A new mailing list policy-announce@localhost has been created for announcing policy proposals and tracking them through the policy development process. This is not a discussion list; discussions will continue to take place on relevant RIPE Working Group lists and at RIPE Meetings. You can subscribe to the policy-announce list at:

List archives are available at:

Kind regards

Paul Rendek
Head of Member Services and Communications