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EOF Program @ RIPE-49 Manchester 20-21.9.2004

Dear Colleagues,

first my apologies for the latish announcement of the EOF program; 
putting it together has been a little more difficult than usual this
time due to surprises created by and during the holiday period.

This time we will have a game and a tutuorial, so you can already
consider wheter to play on Monday evening. ;-)

See you in Manchester.



Monday    1600 - 1730    The Peering Simulation Game        William B. Norton (Equinix)

Tuesday   0900 - 1030    Core Network Security              Michael Behringer (Cisco)
                         Tutorial                           Christian Panigl (UniVie / ACOnet)

          1030 - 1100    C o f f e e

          1100 - 1230    Core Network Security
                         Tutorial (continued), Discussion


The Peering Simulation Game

Presenter:   William B. Norton (Equinix)
Players:     Volunteers from the Audience

A classic, but never played before during RIPE meetings.


Tutorial Core Network Security

Presenters:  Michael Behringer (Cisco)
             Christian Panigl (UniVie / ACOnet)

Abstract: Service provider networks have become key targets for hackers.
Therefore it is important to re-view security of the entire core
network, its devices and services.  In this tutorial we give an overview
about securing devices, routing protocols, and the overall core.  Some
new ideas such as infrastructure ACLs will also be discussed and their
pros and cons will be highlighted. 


30 mins: introduction and scope
60 mins: Fundamentals of core security
--- break ---
30 mins: Routing security
30 mins: Infrastructure ACLs
30 mins: discussion/feedback pros & cons

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