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Call for Presentations EOF @ RIPE-49 Manchester 20/21 September

Dear colleagues,

The next meeting of the European operators Forum (EOF) will take place
on the 20th and 21st of September in Manchester/UK preceding RIPE-49. 
This is a call for presentations.  As usual we are particularly looking
for experience reports by Internet operators. 

General information about the EOF, the previous EOF meeting programme as
well as detailed information for presenters can be found at
http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-48/eof.html .

Information about RIPE-49 will shortly be available at
http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/index.html .

Abstracts should be submitted to eof-coord@localhost not later than
August 25th 2004.  Please direct any queries to meeting@localhost. 

For the EOF coordination group

Daniel Karrenberg



The European Operators Forum (EOF) exists for the exchange of Internet
operations experience.  It has evolved from the "information exchange"
part of the early RIPE meetings to provide an open forum outside of the
work programme of the working groups and the RIPE plenary.  The EOF aims
to attract presentations relevant to network operators, practical
"hands-on" reports, outlines of future developments and small tutorials. 
Product marketing presentations are not appropriate, user experience
reports are.  The EOF programme is assembled by an informal coordination
group that is always looking for new people who are able to help by 
attracting interesting presentations and supporting presenters.  

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