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RE: DDoS tracking WG

> Dear all,
> i would like to propose rather a kind of different approach:
> Why not using the euronog working groups for general work and the
> outcome of this discussions, ideas, tools can be presented at the
> ripe meetings.
> I also would like to have the ripe meetings together at least 2
> times a year with the planned euronog meetings.
> Using this approach, we would assist RIPE and their community
> and still have the freedom to try our ideas and share our thoughts.
> What does RIPE EOF think about this ? We should discuss about this,
> since NOT every one is RIPE member and still valuable in the community.

Shared opinion(s). (Good thing to avoid fragmentation of the nog. community,
was the core of my previous msg.)


> --jan
> ---
> just sharing my personal opinion - does not reflect company view(s)

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