[afnog] ARIN to allocate from 74/8 & 75/8
Alexander Koch koch at tiscali.net
Wed Sep 21 07:37:40 CEST 2005
Todd, On Tue, 20 September 2005 16:49:20 -0400, Todd Underwood wrote: [..] > look in the routing tables of routeviews/ripe/cymru/renesys peers? Speaking of experience there is a difference potentially between rfc1918/bogus/unallocated filters on an interface that likely do reference a prefix list (no le/ge on Junipers) - and a policy that handles BGP announcements. It surely can happen (and did happen) that the BGP announcements itself made it just fine while the filters on the customer/ peer links where not at all updated yet (if they filter BGP announcements for unallocated at all, etc). Much less people filter BGP that hard, if at all, for unallocated/ bogus, but rather keep the firewall policies clean. Alexander