[enum-wg] The ENUM Federation: activities, website etc.
Nikolay Shopik shopik at inblock.ru
Tue Aug 28 10:59:08 CEST 2012
On 27/08/12 19:23, Torsten Schlabach wrote: > I guess nobody here cares for a list of ENUM trees for this, that and the other. Also when it says "It's not about free calls, it's about new services", could anyone come up with a real live example? Well it could be used as matter of getting all contact information by knowing just number. This won't work for private use, but for companies seems to be good deal. > Well, also phone numbers become less and less interesting as people dial contacts on their Smartphone which they sync from their contacts lists anywhere in the cloud. Why don't we just turn to H.323 and use IPv6 addresses as phone numbers if we think we want VoIP. Sure, but you forgot that people still exchange number using their own voice via phone or personally, number still better then name handle. And its because not in every country people understand English alphabet very well and even so numbers just easier/faster to pronounce via phone line.
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