[enum-wg] RIPE 62: Updated Draft agenda for ENUM WG session
Niall O'Reilly Niall.oReilly at ucd.ie
Thu Apr 21 11:42:51 CEST 2011
Dear ENUM WG colleagues and RIPE NCC Meeting Team, With just over a week to go before RIPE 62, here is a freshly updated draft agenda for the ENUM WG session I'm looking forward to seeing very many of you in Amsterdam. Best regards, Niall O'Reilly Co-Chair, RIPE ENUM WG DRAFT -- DRAFT -- DRAFT -- DRAFT -- DRAFT -- DRAFT -- DRAFT Draft Agenda, ENUM WG at RIPE-62 14:00 Thursday, 5 May 2011, NH Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky, Amsterdam, Netherlands A: Administrivia (5 min) Welcome, Scribe, Jabberwok, Microphone etiquette, Agenda B: Minutes of revious meetings B1: Finalize Minutes of ENUM-WG at RIPE 60, Prague (1 min) https://www.ripe.net/ripe/groups/wg/enum/minutes/ripe-60 B2: Finalize Minutes of ENUM-WG at RIPE 61, Rome (2 min) https://www.ripe.net/ripe/groups/wg/enum/minutes/ripe-61 C: Review Action List (2 min) ENUM-AP-61.1 - [DONE] Niall O'Reilly, Carsten Schiefner and Peter Koch to clarify point from RIPE 60 minutes. ENUM-AP-61.2 - [DONE] Carsten Schiefner to get more information on NRENUM. ENUM-AP-61.3 - [remains OPEN] Denesh Bhabuta to organise a panel. D: Main presentations (45 min) D1: NRENUM (Peter Szegedi, 20 min) D2: ENUM and +1800 (Pavel Tuma, 15 min) D3: IETF ENUM work complete (Bernie Hoeneisen, 10 min) E: ENUM Operations E1: Tier-0 Report (Wolfgang Nagele, 15 min) F: Short News F1: enumdata.org update (Niall O'Reilly, 5 min) F2: .cz ENUM (Pavel Tuma, 10 min) F3: +351 (PT) delegation (5 min) G: Discussion on Plenary presentation: [Placeholder for 'G': nothing planned this time] X: Interaction with other working groups Y: AOB Z: Close (5 min) Summary of action items -- 15:30 Coffee --
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