[enum-wg] Commission launches consultation on a single Europe-wide phone number for EU businesses
Carsten Schiefner enumvoipsip.cs at schiefner.de
Wed Dec 15 19:13:47 CET 2010
Hi Patrik, Patrik Fältström wrote: >On 7 dec 2010, at 19.08, Niall O'Reilly wrote: >>On 07/12/10 17:13, Patrik Fältström wrote: >>>On 7 dec 2010, at 15.57, Niall O'Reilly wrote: >>>> This news just came my way, and may be of interest. >>>> >>>> http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/10/1664&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en >>> ...and why do they not use ENUM including delegations? >> I was thinking that the consultation would be an >> opportunity for the real ENUM players ... > > It would be so easy to launch this CC as an ENUM-only service. We all know that. > > And, to be not too negative, I THINK it is possible to bend the results in the report in that direction. But, that implies the actual agreement with The Operator is such that it can be the ENUM operator for the CC in question. And that The Operator is interested in such a design. so "The Operator" is a pan-European single entity then? IMHO not very likely given that the European Commission OTOH is so super-eager to enhance competition, for example. If it's set up the classic way as a PSTN service, then IMHO this number space will be "shared" amongst operators like +46 or +49 is. That, however, leads to a very interesting question: how to deploy cross-country _AND_ cross-operator number portability? As I do not believe that the Commission would do without... Best, -C.
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