[enum-wg] RIPE 60: Draft agenda for ENUM WG session
Niall O'Reilly Niall.oReilly at ucd.ie
Mon Apr 12 11:52:54 CEST 2010
Esteemed ENUM WG colleagues, Co-Chair, Meeting Team, I am happy to send you a draft agenda for the ENUM WG session at RIPE 60, and look forward to seeing you all in Prague. We still have scope for additional material, so I'm adding my voice to Carsten's earlier call for volunteers. Don't be shy! Best regards, Niall O'Reilly Co-Chair, RIPE ENUM WG DRAFT -- DRAFT -- DRAFT -- DRAFT -- DRAFT -- DRAFT -- DRAFT Draft Agenda, ENUM WG at RIPE-60 09:00 Friday, 7 May 2010, Prague Marriott Hotel, Prague, Czech Republic A: Administrivia (5 min) Welcome, Scribe, Jabberwok, Microphone etiquette, Agenda B: Note Minutes of ENUM-WG at RIPE 59, Lisbon (2 min) [Need ref archive here: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/... ] C: Review Action List [Placeholder for 'C': list is currently empty] D: Main presentations (20 min) D1: PhNUM -- an ENUM-based service (Carsten Schiefner, 20 min) D2: E2MD -- another DDDS (Bernie Hoeneisen, 20 min) [To be confirmed] ... E: ENUM Operations E1: Tier-0 Report (Anand Buddhev, 15 min) ... F: Short News F1: enumdata.org update (N.oReilly, 10 min) G: Discussion on Plenary presentation: [Placeholder for 'G': nothing planned this time] X: Interaction with other working groups Y: AOB Z: Close (5 min) Summary of action items -- 10:30 Coffee --
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