[enum-wg] Agenda for ENUM-WG at RIPE 59
Niall O'Reilly Niall.oReilly at ucd.ie
Mon Sep 21 14:14:53 CEST 2009
ENUM-WG Colleagues, Here is the proposed agenda for the ENUM-WG session at RIPE 59. There is time for a little more, in case of any last-minute inspirations. If so, please let Carsten or me know. Meeting Team, could you please do the magic to place this on the meeting web-site? Thanks in advance. /Niall -- 09:00 Friday, 9 October 2009, Corinthia Hotel, Lisbon -- A: Administrivia (5 min) Welcome, Scribe, Jabberwok, Microphone etiquette, Agenda B: Note Minutes of ENUM-WG at RIPE 58, Amsterdam (1 min) C: Review Action List (4 min) 58.1: question to list re statistics on non-delegated country codes (Carsten Schiefner) [DONE] D: (09:10) Main presentations (30 min: 40/90 09:40) D1: NRENUM.net on the Portuguese NREN (VoIP at RCTS) (Rui Ribeiro, 15 min) D2: Portuguese ENUM, why doesn't it rise, why doesn't it die! (Rui Ribeiro, 15 min) ... E: (09:40) ENUM Operations (15 min: 55/90: 09:55) E1: Tier-0 Report (Anand Buddhev, 15 min) ... F: (09:55) Short News F1: enumdata.org update (5 min: 60/90: 10:00) ... G: Discussion on Plenary presentation: [Placeholder for 'G': nothing planned this time] X: Interaction with other working groups [Placeholder] Y: AOB Z: Close (5 min) Summary of action items -- 10:30 Coffee --
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