[enum-wg] RIPE 57 follow-up
Niall O'Reilly Niall.oReilly at ucd.ie
Wed Jan 7 11:52:43 CET 2009
Dear ENUM-WG Colleagues, I'ld like to bring the draft minutes of the ENUM WG session at RIPE 57 <http://www.ripe.net/ripe/wg/enum/minutes/r57-minutes.html> to your attention and to ask you read them through and to notify the list of any errors or omissions you find. If no objections are posted to reach the list before 12:00 UTC on Friday, 30 January 2009, I plan to declare the draft minutes 'final' shortly after that date. I'ld also like to bring your attention to the single outstanding action item, and to remind you that the editor of the proposed document needs input from the working group. I feel it will be reasonable in the absence of any contributions of text to declare the action item closed due to insufficient interest during RIPE 58. Best regards, Niall O'Reilly
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