[enum-wg] ENUM will discontinue in Switzerland (+41)
Bernie Hoeneisen bhoeneis at switch.ch
Tue Sep 4 19:01:59 CEST 2007
Dear RIPE ENUM WG The authorisation to run the ENUM Registry for CC 41 granted by OFCOM expires on 30 September 2007. On the basis of the framework conditions in Switzerland it is not possible for SWITCH to continue in the role of ENUM Registry. This means the ENUM service for 1.4.e164.arpa will be discontinued. Please find more information in our News Item on: http://www.switch.ch/about/news.html?id=148 Note, that this is due to the specific situation in Switzerland, and shall not be taken as a bad sign for ENUM in general! Best Regards, Bernie Hoeneisen, SWITCH, Project Manager ENUM
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