[enum-wg] Nameservers for 9.3.e164.arpa are not responding
Otmar Lendl lendl at nic.at
Tue Oct 30 17:00:43 CET 2007
Luisa, the Italian ENUM tree is currently not operational. This has an impact on everybody who is running ENUM in a production service whenever a customers dials an Italian number. On other words: this outage causes a disruption in communication with Italy. Please fix your nameervers or tell the RIPE NCC to temporarily disable the delegation of 9.3.e164.arpa. Yours, /ol -- / Otmar Lendl <lendl at nic.at>, T: +43 1 5056416 - 33, F: - 933 \ | nic.at Internet Verwaltungs- und Betriebsgesellschaft m.b.H | \ http://www.nic.at/ LG Salzburg, FN 172568b, Sitz: Salzburg /
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