[enum-wg] ENUM for +48
Andrzej Bartosiewicz andrzejb at nask.pl
Wed Oct 3 09:12:41 CEST 2007
Our regulator officially announced public consultation for new User ENUM registration rules (proposed by NASK) for +48. The main differences to the existing rules are: 1. carrier approval is not necessary for domain name registration 2. validation should be done by Registrar (SMS for mobile, documents for PSTN and assigned blocks for PBX 3. CRUE for carriers 4. If case central database for "Number Portability, Caller Location for Emergency Services and Central Database of Telephony Subscribers" is implemented, User ENUM registry system will be integrated with this system. Document is available in Polish only. http://www.uke.gov.pl/uke/index.jsp?place=Lead07&news_cat_id=168&news_id=246 9&layout=3&page=text I will keep you informed on the progress of consultations and the (positive...) result. Best, Andrzej Bartosiewicz tel: +48.22.380.8395 tel: +1.310.817.6567 ENUM: skype: abartosiewicz
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