[enum-wg] 52.2 NCC Correspondance Archive
Patrik Fältström paf at cisco.com
Thu May 10 13:12:18 CEST 2007
I did not see the microphone that was the closest to me, so I walked around to find one. When I found one, Carsten had already moved to the next point on the agenda :-) Mea culpa. I just want to have it said that I find the archive extremely valuable. To some degree it is more important for me to have the archive available than in any specific format. I have already tried to get information about some delegation, and have not found it... That said, I rather see one webpage per countrycode, and then one link per "document" than a zip file, archive or whatever. Given all those files exists, one could have a link to a zip file as well. But, most important, make the detailed communication available. "Just do it" Patrik
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