[enum-wg] ENUM WG Agenda for RIPE 53: call for input
Niall O'Reilly Niall.oReilly at ucd.ie
Wed Aug 16 17:20:57 CEST 2006
Dear ENUM-WGers, As you may already have noticed, RIPE 53 begins in just over 6 weeks. Carsten and I, your co-chairs, have already started to approach the "usual suspects" whom we count on for some of the presentations. We would very much appreciate your suggestions for material you would like to see presented (or, better yet, would be prepared to present). Please, don't be shy! If you count yourself among the "usual suspects", and haven't heard from either of us yet, do feel free to contact us before we contact you. We're looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible in Amsterdam. Best regards, on behalf of Carsten as well as myself, Niall O'Reilly Co-Chair, RIPE ENUM Working Group
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