[enum-wg] Follow up on Karen Mulberry's presentation today
Carsten Schiefner enumvoipsip.cs at schiefner.de
Thu Apr 27 16:49:47 CEST 2006
[Background: Karen Mulberry gave a presentation on "Country Code 1 and the US ENUM Trial" this afternoon during the ENUM WG session, currently available at: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-52/presentations/uploads/Thursday/mulberry-country_code_1_and_the_us_enum_trial.pps - the following questions relate to that presentation] Karen, I have two questions in relation to your presentation: Q1: The number resources the FCC is meant to set aside for the ENUM trial - will they cover all US geographic area codes or is that somehow limited? If so, what will be the limits or restrictions? Q2: In slide 5, 9 and 10 you mention the "Trial Participants Advisory Committee (TPAC)", what roles will be involved when in the trial and what documentation TPAC is meant to produce. I just wonder to what extent the users - aka. number holders, aka. ENUM domain name registrants - will be involved, as they seem to not be mentioned explicitly? Thanks, Carsten
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