[enum-wg] Telephone numbers used in ENUM trial
Niall O'Reilly Niall.oReilly at ucd.ie
Wed Nov 9 11:53:28 CET 2005
On 9 Nov 2005, at 09:28, Thu Thuy wrote: > However, i could not find information to clear my question as follow: > If the service provider doen't participate in the trial, then could > their delegated number range be used for ENUM trial ? Hallo, Thu Thuy. This depends on the relevant local practices and regulations. In Ireland (+353), for the trial, any subscriber could approach a Tier-2 registrar and, subject to meeting the validation and eligibility requirements, have her number entered in the 3.5.3.e164.arpa DNS hierarchy. I expect the production regime for +353 will be similar. We had two Tier-2 registrars in the trial, each targeting a not-very-narrowly restricted subscriber group. My university was one of these registrars, and considered "eligible" any member of the "University Community". The trial was not so widely announced that we had to worry about the numbers. For clarity, I should maybe add that UCD is not a telco. 8-) Note that with subscriber opt-in, number ranges are relevant not at the level of allocation to telephone service operators, but only where the subscriber holds a block assignment, as in the case, for example, of a corporate customer. Try dig any and bear in mind that this part of the +353 numbering plan has numbers of the form +353-1-xxx-xxxx. Best regards, Niall O'Reilly University College Dublin Computing Services M: +353 (0)87 221 0237 T: +353 (0)1 716 2360 F: +353 (0)1 283 7077 PGP: AE995ED9 (23DC C6DE 8874 2432 2BE0 3905 7987 E48D AE99 5ED9) SIP: no8 at iptel.org, 2850*668 at INOC-DBA.pch.net
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