[enum-wg] Survey on ENUM Projects
Kim Davies kim at centr.org
Wed Sep 8 17:47:22 CEST 2004
Dear all, As discussed recently on the list, the chairs have commenced preparing a status page to identify and document the various ENUM projects being conducted in different countries. We would like feedback on the formulation of the questions. At present they are based heavily on those developed by Joakim Strålmark of the Swedish PTS in a recent survey. If there is additional information that would be useful, or if there is a better formulation for the questions, please provide your input. Most important we would like contributions of information on the various trials being conducted, so we can start populating the table with data. The page is available for the moment at this address: http://www.centr.org/kim/enum/index.html best regards, kim -- Kim Davies, Council of European National Top Level Domain Registries Avenue Louise 327, B-1050 Brussels; Tel. +32 2 627 5550
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