AW: [enum-wg] COCOM & ENUM ...
Andrzej Bartosiewicz andrzejb at
Mon Dec 13 13:19:04 CET 2004
> _The_ telco, or just _any_ telco? Any telco which is officially recognized by Regulator as Telco Operator according to Telecommunication Law. It means also that such a company has been assigned the numbering block. > For your previous mail, I got the impression than any telco can get > (in the technical sense) the ENUM domain for any number. Any telco (according to previous definition) can get any number and Regulator (not NASK as the Registry)has the legal power to react if problem occurs. > >From the policy point of view, it seems clear to me that any TSP is > allowed to register the ENUM domain for any of his own numbers. Yes. But we don't know which numbers belong to which TSP: -Telco can use the numbering block assigned directly by the Regulator (the numbering plan is available on-line: -Telco A can use the numbers (blocks) belonging to Telco B (based on the contract between Telco A and Telco B; neither Regulator nor NASK know the details) -Number can be ported (in the near future) from Telco A to Telco B; it's currently under discussion: > But: Is TSP A allowed to register the ENUM domain of a number belonging > to TSP B if the subscriber (= customer of TSP B) explicitly asks > TSP A to do it? No. TSP A is not allowed formally (it's against the Law) to register the ENUM domain of number belonging to TSP B, but technically it's possible - NASK doesn't verify this. Andrzej.
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