In February 2004 ETSI organized the first ENUM workshop where information
was exchanged on technical, operational and policy aspects related to ENUM
implementations. At the event, that was attended by more than 60
participants, it was decided to hold in December 2004 a testing event
featuring ENUM and VoIP and in the context of NGN (Next Generation Network).
In order to better prepare the event it was suggested to organize a second
ENUM workshop in the first week of October. We are currently collecting
expression of interest in terms of participation to the workshop and topics
to be included in the agenda.
If you are planning to attend the workshop or have an interest in a specific
subject you would like to present please send an e-mail to Christian Julian
christian.julien@localhost not later than July, 20.
Best Regards
Marco Bernardi and Adrian Georgescu on behalf of the ENUM PlugTests
Steering Committee