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RE: UK ITSPA founded

 >>>>> "Steve" == Kennedy, Steve <steve.kennedy@localhost writes:
>     Steve> It will be interesting to see if they have any (as in were
>     Steve> Annex II) telcos joining. If members are already offering
>     Steve> VoIP service, how many comply with the obligations set out
>     Steve> in the Comms Act ? Oftel have previously stated that VoIP
>     Steve> is just another way of transporting voice so voice
>     Steve> regulation doesn't change.
> I thought Ofcom was now a lot more relaxed about this. IIUC anybody
> can become a telco and the heavy regulatory stuff -- emergency service
> provision, interception, universal service obligation, etc -- pretty
> much only applies to the incumbent. [I'm sure the consulation for a
> number range for VoIP over broadband suggested it would be OK if there
> was no emergency service available on those numbers.] I know of one UK
> "telco" who got numbers out of Ofcom and will *only* use them for SIP
> and VoIP. Whether they told Ofcom that or not will be another story.

Nope, ANYONE can be a telco, but anyone offering telco services MUST
meet the 21 obligations set out in the Communications Act 2003, end of

Ofcom are treating VoB as a "special" in that it's a 2nd line service
and ONLY applies to single line VoB which is why they want a separate
number range, and why if you're non PATS, you're not PATS so mustn't
provide lifeline and emergency services.

Ofcom haven't made a statement specifically about VoIP (yet) and VoIP
is treated as though you're offering multiline voice services (say over
an E1 - which also doesn't require lifeline, but does other PATS services
under the universal obligations).


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