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Re: Ofcom VoIP Public Forum

On Tue, Mar 16, 2004 at 11:45:34AM +0800, James Seng wrote:

> Thanks. I just read the doc.
> So there is no forum...just a document for public consultation. They 
> seem to be following Japan assigning a new number block.
> Does anyone knows if the number assignment comes together with ENUM?
> side question not related to ENUM: Reading the doc, it appears only 
> Public Electronic Communications Network (PECN) can asked for a 056 
> numbers from Ofcom (see Annex E of the consultation). Not familiar with 
> UK regulation, how does one become PECN?

In the UK anyone can become a PECN, they just have to abide by the
obligations set out in the Communications Act 2003, and of course anyone
can become what was an Annexe II telco too. Of course if you make more
than GBP 5M pa, you also have to pay Ofcom fees.


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