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RE: Ofcom VoIP Public Forum


> Behalf Of James Seng
> Sent: 16 March 2004 03:46
> Thanks. I just read the doc.
> So there is no forum...just a document for public consultation. They
> seem to be following Japan assigning a new number block.
> Does anyone knows if the number assignment comes together with ENUM?
> side question not related to ENUM: Reading the doc, it appears only
> Public Electronic Communications Network (PECN) can asked for a 056
> numbers from Ofcom (see Annex E of the consultation). Not familiar with
> UK regulation, how does one become PECN?

first see

Who can be Allocated Telephone Numbers by Ofcom?

Providers of a Public Electronic Communications Network ("PECN") or
providers of a Public Electronic Communications Service ("PECS") may be
Allocated Telephone Numbers. 'Electronic Communications Network' and
'Electronic Communications Service' are defined in the Communications Act
2003, Section 32.

and then Section 32


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