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Re: AW: Ofcom VoIP Public Forum

>>>>> "Richard" == Stastny Richard <Richard.Stastny@localhost writes:

    Richard> So from the number you also get the location - aha that
    Richard> is the reason. So you get a location on mobile calls -
    Richard> since when? Nobody cared 10 years ago.

I'm not sure I understand the point you're trying to make here.

It is more than possible for a mobile phone's location to be
identified. Emergency services can and do use triangulation of a
phone's signal to its base stations to work out where a mobile phone
is physically located. [Almost every week the mountain rescue people
do this to save lost or injured hillwalkers and climbers on the
Scottish mountains.] This location info is obviously much more
important than any billing address for the phone's owner (if there is
one). Now I suppose there's no parallels for that kind of thing with
VoIP. Somebody could be using NAT or tunnelling and that would mean
the SIP server has no idea where the SIP session originated from.

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