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ENUM in Canada

Dear ENUMers,

an FYI - in particular the last part seems to be quite remarkable.



-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [enum-trial] ENUM in Canada
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2004 22:31:49 +0100
From: Stastny Richard <Richard.Stastny@localhost
To: enum-trial@localhost

A CSCN ENUM committee meeting took place in Ottawa, March 11, 2004

Agenda, participants and presentations given by Karen Mulberry, Richard Shockey, Bernhard Turcotte and Gary Richenaker available at: http://www.enumorg.ca

Especially the presentation from Richard Shockey is very interesting from an Austrian point of view ;-)
(some of the the slides may ring a bell - we are stealing each other the slides since years)

CIRA.ca (the ccTLD) has offered to host the NANP NPA codes on a temporary basis, under the direction of a competent authority, in order that delegation might be achieved from RIPE-NCC and the ITU-T for the whole of the North American Numbering Plan.


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