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Re: EC Workshop on IP voice and convergence

this looks very relevant, timely and - at first reading - addressing the relevant issues.

The Ficora decision on Sonera VoIP *really* is a disaster and has the ability to stop VoIP, but als other converged services based on ENUM in its tracks because of the narrow interpretation of "e164 number use makes it publically available telephone service".

And that makes me very wary in my role of getting +43 ENUM out of the gates. But if the Finnish model becomes the model of reference, the whole industry has a major problem within the EC footprint. That is totally aligned with the fact that some telcos try to throw sand into the gearbox. Combined with the nature of the Internet this will just foster offshore services as a consequence, and that cant be the direction we're heading.

If regulators would have taken a stance like that during GSM rollout a decade ago regarding CALEA, emergency call location, speech qualitiy and coverage, we definitely would not have todays cellular service market. It seems appropriate to me to give the IP communications industry a similar time window to develop services and address those issues over time.

BTW it is also time to review at the justification of asymmetric termination of mobile operators - it isnt required for growth of the mobile industry anymore and it barrs resources from the PSTN operators towards broadband rollout.

I would be interested in what the intended process of commenting, collecting inputs and trickling it down to the member states is - will there be a discussion, consultation?


At 10:44 11.02.2004, Carsten Schiefner wrote:


not _totally!_ ENUM related but still close enough, I believe. Please
distribute as widely as possible.

Thanks & best,

        Carsten Schiefner

--- begin forwarded message from Gordon.Lennox@localhost ---
From: Gordon.Lennox@localhost
To: [...]
Subject: Open Workshop on IP voice and associated convergent services
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2004 09:11:46 +0100

Feel free to inform others:

15.03 - Open Workshop on IP voice and associated convergent services

The European Commission will hold a workshop in Brussels on an independent
study carried out for the Commission by Analysys. Analysys will present the
findings of their study on Internet protocol (IP) voice and associated
convergent services.

For details of registration and for a copy of the report:

--- end forwarded message from Gordon.Lennox@localhost ---

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